Please be advised that in the event of a reported software license violation, unlicensed or improperly licensed software costs are the responsibility of the unit, department, school, or college to which those workstations are assigned. Among other services they provide, ITOs and other IT staff help ensure that UNM maintains compliance with its software license agreements and that software does not create security issues with a workstation. Instead, workstation users should request that their IT support staff, such as an IT Officer (ITO), install, remove, or re-deploy any needed software. Users should never purchase, subscribe to, or install software on their workstations without following approved processes and procedures. All software is subject to copyright protection per the University Administrative Policies, Policy 2500, Computer Use Guidelines, see Section 2, (2.1.1, 2.1.2). Per site license agreements, a software license may need to be purchased for each computer on which the software is installed.

Please reference FastInfo #6255 for more information on the process. UNM IT negotiates discounted software used on UNM-owned computers and is available for purchase by departments through LoboMart.
Digital tools for productivity, collaboration, creating web pages, graphics, videos, and more are available to download for free at the UNM App Store. Log in to your LoboMail account to download Office 365. Free antivirus software for your computer. Office 365 ProPlus FREE to registered UNM Students.Access available software on UNM-owned pod, lab, and classroom computers.